In a scathing rebuke aired on “Fox & Friends,” Texas rancher Wayne King voiced his strong disapproval of the Biden administration’s handling of the burgeoning border crisis, according to a Fox News report on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.
Live from the border town of Eagle Pass, King spared no words in condemning President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as “traitors” for what he perceives as a dereliction of duty in safeguarding the nation.
King’s sentiments echo the rising discontent among border residents grappling with the repercussions of the surge in illegal immigration.
Mayorkas, in King’s estimation, “lies under oath,” asserting falsely that the border is secure. King contends that the federal government, including the President, is actively undermining Texas Governor Abbott’s efforts to protect the state—a situation he deems tantamount to “treason.”
The rancher argues that the lax border policies of the Biden administration are motivated by a political agenda. He speculates that the administration’s ultimate goal is to garner votes by facilitating a continuous influx of migrants.
King underscores the tangible consequences of this policy, citing the accumulation of “trash and debris” on his and fellow ranchers’ properties, along with the damage caused by the incessant flow of individuals crossing the border.
During his on-site coverage, King captured footage of an illegal immigrant navigating razor wire from Honduras, vividly illustrating the challenges faced by those residing in close proximity to the border. This footage serves as a poignant testament to the daily struggles experienced by ranchers and residents.
The frustration extends beyond Texas, with state attorneys general from the heartland expressing their concerns at the inaugural impeachment hearing of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Titled “Havoc in the Heartland: How Secretary Mayorkas’ Failed Leadership Has Impacted the States,” the hearing, scheduled for Wednesday, will feature testimonies from Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond, and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey.
These attorneys general intend to delineate the far-reaching consequences of the ongoing migrant crisis on their respective states, emphasizing the legal challenges they have initiated against the Biden administration’s immigration policies. Their primary focus centers on the alleged failure of Mayorkas to enforce the law effectively.
This hearing comes after a year of investigations and reports by the House Homeland Security Committee on the handling of the nearly three-year migrant crisis. Chairman Mark Green, in a statement to Fox News Digital, asserted that “Secretary Mayorkas’ unprecedented and intentional border crisis has impacted every city and state in our country.”