Tthe U.S., the conditions for fascism are brewing, but it’s not set in stone, says historian Jennifer Mercieca. She specializes in political rhetoric, and in her book Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump, she suggests that there’s still time to prevent the country from succumbing to autocracy.
Mercieca outlines key indicators to watch for in what she calls fascism watch. These include media intimidation and restrictions, where autocrats silence the media to avoid accountability; the identification of crises or political paralysis used to justify emergency measures; and attacks on minorities, often scapegoating foreigners to create a nationalistic ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality.
Highlighting the significance of these signs, Mercieca emphasizes that this is how autocrats seize power, cautioning against expecting a dramatic, violent coup as a clear signal of democratic decline.
Looking ahead, she predicts that the 2024 presidential election will be more than a political contest. It will be a choice between democracy and autocracy, between the democratic principle of the ‘rule of law’ and the autocratic ‘rule by law’ strategy, where the law is wielded as a weapon to reward allies, punish foes, and consolidate power. As fascism looms as a possibility, Mercieca urges vigilance for the warning signs.