In a heart-wrenching incident just days before Christmas, a devastating house fire claimed the lives of two sisters in Barstow, Southern California. Aalijah Isom, 2, and Annie Isom, 7, tragically lost their lives when their home became engulfed in flames allegedly sparked by a Christmas tree. The incident was reported by Fox News on Monday, December 25, 2023.
The Isom family, now grappling with an unimaginable loss, experienced the horrifying event on the evening of December 14. Charmon and Akeem Isom, the parents of the young girls, attempted desperately to rescue them but were unable to reach them in time.
Charmon Isom, speaking with FOX 11 Los Angeles, recounted the harrowing moments, stating, “You run, and you try to do as much as you can. Bust windows, run in, try and get in, try and get under the fire. I have (first-degree) burns on my feet from trying to get in there.”
The Barstow Fire Protection District responded to multiple reports of a house fire with children trapped inside, reaching the scene shortly after 7 p.m. Firefighters had to navigate through two separate bedroom windows to locate the girls. Once found, they were handed over to police officers who swiftly transported them to waiting ambulances.
Tragically, Aalijah Isom was pronounced dead upon arrival at a local hospital. Meanwhile, Annie Isom was airlifted to a burn center, where she fought for her life on life support for a week. However, her injuries proved too severe, leading her parents to make the heart-wrenching decision to let her go. In a gesture of immense generosity, Annie’s organs were donated to save other lives.
The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing, but the family believes it was triggered by a Christmas tree connected to an extension cord. The tree had been decorated earlier that day, marking the family’s first experience with a real Christmas tree in their home.
Akeem Isom expressed, “They were so excited about the tree. They helped me pick it out, they helped me put it up, they helped me decorate it.”
The Isom family, now left grappling with the aftermath, issued a plea to raise awareness about the potential dangers of Christmas trees, especially during the dry winter season. They urged the public to regularly check smoke detectors and fire extinguishers as part of home safety measures.
In the wake of this devastating incident, the Isom family has established a GoFundMe page to alleviate the financial burden associated with funeral and medical expenses. Additionally, they hope to rebuild their home, which was tragically destroyed by the fire. The family expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and prayers from the community during this challenging time.
Charmon Isom conveyed their appreciation, stating, “We just want to thank everybody for their love and their kindness and their generosity. We appreciate it so much.”