Remarkable discovery, a diver uncovered a GoPro containing the final moments of Richard Ragland, who tragically died in 2017. This astonishing find occurred two years after the young man’s death, providing his family with a sense of closure they had been seeking.
The Tragic Event
Richard Ragland, a 22-year-old, tragically drowned at Foster Falls State Park, Tennessee, just days before his 23rd birthday. Despite being a strong swimmer, the powerful force of the waterfall proved too much, leading to his untimely death. Friends and family were left in despair, wondering about the circumstances that led to the tragic accident.

The Lost Footage
In the aftermath of Richard’s death, park rangers attempted to provide his parents, Robin and Gary McCrear, with footage from a drive. However, they were devastated to find that the drive’s contents had been stolen. The mystery of Richard’s final moments remained unresolved until an unexpected call from a YouTuber named Rich Aloha changed everything.
The Discovery
Rich Aloha, a treasure hunter and YouTuber, was diving in the area where Richard drowned. Informed by park rangers about the tragic incident, Rich discovered a GoPro camera during his underwater exploration. To his amazement, the SD card inside the camera was intact and functioning. Reviewing the footage, Rich realized the gravity of his find.
Returning the Memories
Rich took it upon himself to track down Richard’s family. After thorough research and numerous phone calls, he successfully contacted the McCrears. The footage on the GoPro, although not entirely viewed by the family yet, showed Richard enjoying life, embodying his spirited nature.

Family’s Reaction
The McCrears expressed immense gratitude towards Rich Aloha for his dedication and efforts. Robin McCrear remarked, “What we’ve seen so far is Rich being Rich, living life to the fullest.” The footage brought some solace to the grieving parents, offering them a glimpse into their son’s final moments.
Rich’s determination to return the GoPro highlights the significance of doing the right thing. His actions brought a measure of peace to a family devastated by loss, showcasing the profound impact of compassion and persistence.
This extraordinary discovery underscores the importance of human kindness and the profound connections we share. Rich Aloha’s find not only provided closure to the McCrear family but also reminded us all of the enduring power of empathy and determination.