The highly anticipated film Deadpool & Wolverine has undergone significant changes following an unexpected and indefinite production halt. With just days remaining before its release, the film’s development has been a whirlwind of alternate possibilities and behind-the-scenes drama.
Reports indicate that Deadpool & Wolverine was initially on a different trajectory. Ryan Reynolds, who stars in the film, revealed that the project had evolved considerably. Rumors suggest that Reynolds had up to 20 different ideas for the film, and there were early concerns from Marvel Studios about Hugh Jackman’s involvement, with Kevin Feige reportedly advising Jackman to stay away.
However, the real turning point came when the SAG-AFTRA strike hit, halting production indefinitely. This strike, led by Hollywood’s acting guild, temporarily paused the film’s progress, leading to substantial changes in the storyline and character arcs.
During a recent press conference, Reynolds discussed the impact of the strike on the film’s production. He shared, “If you could, from a fiscal point of view, stop a movie right in the middle, assess everything that you have, edit the hour of footage you have, put it together and then just zoom out… One of the things that I realized I’m so lucky to have in this partnership with Shawn [Levy, the film’s director] and certainly this partnership with Hugh [Jackman], is this ability to pivot.”
Reynolds continued, highlighting the flexibility and creativity within the team: “We’re just dumpster divers. We use every opportunity, good or bad, to sort of tell the story. Even the constraints coming from the top down at Marvel we use to our own benefit.”
Director Shawn Levy echoed this sentiment, stating, “One thing we talked a lot about was ‘you gotta listen to your movie’. Whatever your initial intentions were, listen to your movie, it’s going to tell you what it wants to be.”
Levy elaborated on the process of adapting to the new circumstances: “We edited the hour of the movie that we had shot. So we were able to sit and listen to our movie.” This approach allowed the team to adapt their vision based on the material they had and the evolving narrative needs.
Emma Corrin, who plays the antagonist Cassandra Nova, also shared her experience. Corrin noted that the cast was provided with a rough cut of the film, which helped them understand their roles better. She commented, “It was incredible. I could see completely what the movie was. Obviously, you shoot out of chronological order all of the time. It’s quite confusing when you have a first day or whatever, because you don’t really know what you’re catching up with and the place that you’re at in the movie.”
The film, which is set to be released worldwide on July 25, promises to offer fans a fresh and dynamic take, influenced significantly by the unforeseen production challenges. The transformation of Deadpool & Wolverine highlights the adaptability and creativity of its team, turning constraints into opportunities to enhance the film’s narrative.