In the timeless words of fictional broadcaster Howard Beale in “Network,” the media’s stark admission, “You’re never going to get any truth from us. We’ll tell you anything you want to hear. We lie like hell,” resonates today more than ever. A recent report by Fox News, dated Thursday, December 14, 2023, sheds light on the troubling reality of deliberate deceptions, misdirections, and blatant lies perpetuated by journalists, further fueling the skepticism harbored by many Americans towards mainstream media.
In the era of President Joe Biden, journalists seem to have transitioned from impartial observers to dedicated foot soldiers and apologists for the administration. The Hunter Biden criminal case, unraveling alleged tax crimes linked to influence-peddling, exposes the media’s complicity in downplaying and excusing documented acts of wrongdoing.
Evidence presented in the case implicates President Joe Biden in actively aiding and abetting his son’s dubious schemes. White House logs, photographs, emails, and text messages portray a vivid connection between Joe Biden and Hunter’s questionable activities, marked by corruption and the sale of access to the Biden name for promised influence.
Former partner Devon Archer’s testimony to congressional investigators revealed Joe Biden’s pivotal role, operating as “defense leverage” and sending reassuring signals to foreign clients who contributed millions. The secrecy shrouding these dealings is evident in authenticated emails found on Hunter’s laptop, explicitly advising associates not to mention Joe’s involvement except in face-to-face meetings.
Contrary to President Biden’s consistent denials, witnesses and evidence contradict his claims of ignorance or non-involvement in his son’s business dealings. Despite mounting evidence, President Biden maintains his position, dismissing allegations as “a bunch of lies” on December 6.
Public skepticism remains pervasive, with an Associated Press poll indicating that nearly 70% of respondents believe President Biden acted either illegally or unethically. This stark contrast with the minority who believe he did “nothing wrong” challenges the credibility of the president’s narrative.
Selling access to public office and promising influence for financial gain is explicitly defined as bribery in criminal codes. If not a co-conspirator, Joe Biden appears to be a witting accessory, contrary to his public denials. As Hunter Biden’s criminal case unfolds, the media’s role in perpetuating falsehoods and shielding the Biden family from scrutiny continues to unravel, exposing a web of deceit that erodes public trust in journalistic integrity.