A Telegram channel called General SVR has claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin died on Thursday night at 8:42 PM Moscow time. The channel alleges that Putin’s body has been stored in a deep freezer normally used for frozen food, heightening rumors about the president’s mysterious disappearance in recent months.
General SVR maintained that the medics responsible for Putin’s care at his Valdai palace have been confined inside the palace by secret service operatives. According to the channel, a body double is being prepared to assume the role of the president, a move allegedly orchestrated by senior aides to maintain stability in Russia.
Despite these claims, the Kremlin has vehemently denied the rumors, branding them as “absurd information canards.” Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, dismissed the notion of a body double and stated that such reports belong to the realm of “fake news.”
The Telegram channel’s account of events suggests that Putin’s deteriorating health due to cancer led to his critical condition, requiring resuscitation efforts by a team of doctors. The channel asserted that the resuscitation attempts ceased at 8:42 PM Moscow time when Putin was pronounced dead. The room in the presidential residence where Putin was reportedly treated was allegedly blocked by order of Dmitry Kochnev, director of the Federal Guard Service.
The channel further claimed that Nikolay Patrushev, Putin’s top security aide, is directing operations related to the president’s alleged body double. Political analyst Dr. Valery Solovoy speculated that Patrushev plans to use the double until the New Year, raising questions about the future leadership of Russia.
Reports indicating the use of body doubles have circulated for months, with a Japanese TV report even utilizing AI to analyze Putin’s appearances, suggesting the possibility of multiple doubles.
The situation has sparked a frenzy on Russian social media, with users sharing memes and speculations about the fate of the country’s leader. While these claims continue to circulate, the Kremlin remains firm in its denial, asserting that President Putin is alive and well.