Ever since her debut, Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday, portrayed by the talented Millie Gibson, has sparked curiosity about her origins. In the latest season’s finale, ‘Empire of Death,’ fans finally learned the truth about her parentage, and it wasn’t what anyone expected.
Throughout the season, clues about Ruby’s mysterious background fueled speculation. Was she connected to a Time Lord? A villain? Theories abounded, but in a twist that divided fans, it was revealed that Ruby’s mother is Louise Alison Miller, an ordinary woman with no ties to the Doctor’s world.
Some criticized this revelation as anticlimactic, but for many, it was a stroke of storytelling genius. Showrunner Russell T Davies flipped the script on the trope of ‘the chosen one.’ Unlike heroes with legendary lineage like Luke Skywalker or Rey from Star Wars, Ruby isn’t extraordinary because of her ancestry. Instead, she embodies the idea that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things through courage and conviction.
Davies himself hinted that this narrative choice was partly a response to Star Wars’ controversial decision to reveal Rey’s lineage as that of Emperor Palpatine in ‘The Rise of Skywalker.’ This move was met with disappointment from fans who appreciated Rey’s original depiction as a Jedi of humble origins in ‘The Last Jedi.’ By contrast, Ruby Sunday’s story celebrates the power of the ordinary, echoing the sentiment that anyone, regardless of background, can make a difference.
Moreover, the revelation of Ruby’s mother doesn’t diminish the excitement of theorizing and speculation among fans. It encourages engagement with the show’s mythology and leaves room for imaginative interpretations, even if they don’t align with the revealed truth.
In conclusion, while some may find Ruby’s backstory unexpected, it serves as a poignant reminder that heroism isn’t confined to those with extraordinary lineage. It’s a celebration of everyday courage and the belief that anyone can change the world. As Doctor Who continues to inspire with its bold storytelling, Ruby Sunday stands as a testament to the enduring power of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.
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