Chloe Fineman, known for her comedic prowess on “Saturday Night Live,” has delivered a spot-on and hilariously entertaining impression of Australian breakdancer Rachael “Raygun” Gunn’s viral routine from the 2024 Paris Olympics.
In a recent TikTok video, Fineman channels Gunn’s eccentric Olympic performance with a twist of her own unique humor. Dressed in an all-green outfit reminiscent of Gunn’s Olympic tracksuit, Fineman mimics the breakdancer’s bizarre moves, including Tyrannosaurus rex arms, kangaroo hops, and some awkward gyrating. Adding her personal flair, Fineman incorporates several imaginative moves that enhance the comedic effect of her imitation.
The 2024 Paris Olympics marked the debut of breakdancing, officially known as “breaking,” and Gunn, a 36-year-old cultural studies professor from Macquarie University in Sydney, made a memorable impact with her unconventional routine. Gunn’s performance stood out due to her original moves and creative approach, which she emphasized after the event. In her own words, Gunn remarked, “All my moves are original,” highlighting her belief that creativity was her strong suit against younger competitors.
Gunn’s performance and Fineman’s impression both celebrate the novelty and creative spirit of breaking at the Olympics. For those who enjoyed Fineman’s take, a scene from “Napoleon Dynamite” might offer some extra inspiration for future dance routines.