A heartbreaking story unfolded when a little boy named Taylen Mosley, just 2 years old, was found dead, held in the jaws of an alligator. This sad incident happened after Taylen’s mother, Pashun Jeffery, 20 years old, was found killed in their home in St. Petersburg, Florida.
The search for Taylen began on Thursday afternoon after his mom was found dead. The police called it a very violent crime. But Taylen was nowhere to be found.
Now, detectives believe that Taylen’s father, Thomas Mosley, who is 21 years old, is responsible for both his mom’s and Taylen’s deaths. The police have charged Thomas with first-degree murder for both of them. It’s really sad, and the police chief, Anthony Holloway, expressed his sympathy for their family.
#stpetepd Chief Holloway said It’s with great sadness that we report we found the body of Taylen Mosley in Lake Maggiore. His father Thomas Mosley is charged with 2 counts of 1st degree murder. pic.twitter.com/I1hsIj0UAw
— St. Pete Police (@StPetePD) April 1, 2023
To find Taylen, the police used dogs, drones, and search teams. They looked around Lake Maggiore, not far from Taylen’s home. And during the search, they saw an alligator holding something in its mouth. It turned out to be Taylen. The police had to shoot the alligator to get his body out. It’s a really sad and scary situation.
We don’t know yet how Taylen passed away or if the alligator was involved in his death. His mom, Pashun, was hurt with a knife, according to the news.
Right now, Thomas Mosley is in the hospital with cuts on his hands and arms. He’s not talking to the police, and we don’t know how he got those injuries.
Help us find 2y/o Taylen Mosley. His 20 y/o mom was killed in her Apt. the child is missing and could be in danger. Call #stpetepd 727-893-7780 if you have info pic.twitter.com/5xHSt2Ik03
— St. Pete Police (@StPetePD) March 30, 2023
Pashun worked at a CVS store, and she was last seen with Taylen outside their apartment about a month ago. Neighbors heard something strange at their home one night, but they didn’t call the police.
Pashun’s mom got worried when she couldn’t reach her daughter, so she asked the apartment manager to check on them. That’s when they realized something was wrong, and they started looking for Taylen while also investigating what happened to his mom.
It’s really sad that this happened, especially because Taylen was so young. The police worked hard on this case, and they thank everyone who helped. Sometimes, stories like this have a happy ending, but sadly, this one did not.